:+: Spanish to English Dictionary :+:
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Spanish Words and Spanish Phrases.
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Spanish Words and Spanish Phrases:
A la hora do comer = At lunch time
A las tantas = Very late at night
A medianoche = At mid-night
Afueras = Outskirts
Ahora = Now
Al mediodía = At mid-day
Alfombra = Carpet
Almacenar = Store
Almohada = Pillow
Amigable = Friendly
Apoyar = Support
Arriba = Upstairs / It arrives (Probably depends on how it's used.)
Aseo = Toilet (But the 'pee-pee dance' may be universally recognized. You'll have to determine for yourself if you want to mime that and get some of the humans giggling at you, or have a much more embarrassing situation later...)
Aspirador = Vacuum cleaner
Billetes = Travel tickets
Botón = Button
Buscado = Looked
Buscando = Looking
Cama = Bed
Casa = House
Chica = Girl (Una chica = A girl. See how the adjective works, now?)
Chicas = Girls (Unas chicas = Some girls. You just add s's on both words to make it more than one.)
Comedor = Dining room
¿Como te llamas? = What is your name? (The more formal and up-tight people say ¿Como se llama usted?, instead.)
¿Cómo usted es? = How are you?
Comprensivo = Sympathetic
¿Con quién puedo hablar? = Who can I talk to?
Congelado = Frozen
Contar una historia = To tell a story
Cortés = Polite
Cruel = Cruel
Cuarto de baño = Bath room
Cuenta bancaria = Bank account (Cuenta also means other things. In a restaurant "cuenta" is the check or bill you have to pay for your food.)
Cuento = Story or tale
Darse cuenta = Realize
¡Date prisa! = Hurry up
De nada = You're welcome
Despertador = Alarm clock
Déjame en paz! = Leave me alone
Donde = Where
¿Dónde está usted de? = Where are you from?
¿donde está? = Where is it?
El pase = The movie
Entradas = Movie tickets
Es agradable encontrarle = It is nice to meet you
Escoba = Broom
Espejo = Mirror
Estas = These
Estar = A verb meaning "to be" if it's temporary. (Example: Soy feliz = I am happy.)
éxito = Success
Fiel = Loyal
Guardar = Save
¿Habla usted español? = Do you speak Spanish?
¿Habla usted inglés? = Do you speak English?
Honesto = Honest
jabón = Soap
Lavadora = Washing machine
Libro = Book (Un libro = A book.)
Librería = Bookcase
Lobizón = Werewolf
Más de 10 = More than diez (When you are talking about numbers, you say "de" in it, but if you mean yourself, you say "que". See below.)
Más que yo = More than I
Mayor = Oldest
¿Me puede ayudar usted? = Can you help me?
Menor = Youngest
Mesa = Table
Meses = Months
Mudé = Moved
Murciélago = Bat (The flying creature, not the sports thing. This word also has all the Spanish vowels in it, and there is only one way to pronounce each vowel. More on that, below.)
Nada = Nothing
No tengo ni idea = I have no idea
Por la mañana = In the morning
Quédate con el cambio = Keep the change
Por la madrugada = In the early hours of the morning
Por la tarde = In the evening
Provechoso Lobizón = Helpful werewolf
Próxima = Next
Realizar = To make, carry out or to conduct.
Recordar = Remember (Somebody told me that you're not supposed to use a reflexive pronoun or "de" with this.)
Recordar a alguien = Remember someone
Recordar algo = Remember something
Recuerdo aquel día = I remember that day
Respecto a = Regarding / In regards to
Respeto = Respect
Salón = Living room
Ser = A verb meaning "to be" if it's permanent.
Siéntete como en tu casa = Make yourself at home
Siguiente = The following (As in "la mañana siguente" the morning following.)
Siempre va vestido de negro = He always wears black
Silla = Chair
Soportar = Tolerate
Tacaño = Mean
Tarjeta de crédito = Credit card
Temprano por la mañana = Early in the morning
¡Ten cuidado! = Watch out
Una resaca = A hangover
Vivo en España = I live in Spain
Voy = I go
Pedí una cerveza = I asked for a beer
Pregunté dónde vivía = I asked them where they lived
Spanish Internet Words and Phrases:
Ancho de banda = Bandwidth
Bandeja de entrada = Inbox
Barra de herramientas = Toobar
Botón del ratón = Mouse button
Ciberespacio = Cyberspace
Contraseña = Password
Correo cifrado = Encrypted e-mail
Descargar = Download
Dirección de correo electrónico = E-mail address
Favorito, marcador = Bookmark
ícono = Icon
Internet = Internet
Internet service provider = Proveedor de servicios Internet (Note that ISP = ISP)
Libro de visitas = Guest book
Menu desplegable = Drop down menu
Mensajes no deseados = Junk e-mail.
Mirón = Lurker
Mironeo = Lurking
Navegador / Explorador de Web = Web browser
Nombre de usuario = User name
Página inicial / Página principal = Homepage
Página Web = Web page
Portapapeles = The clipboard
Preferencias = Preferences
Red = Network
Servidor seguro = Secure server
Sitio / Sitio web = Web site
Sitio web seguro = Secure Web site
Teclado = Keyboard
Transferencia de ficheros = File transfer
Spanish Food Words and Translations:
This may be the only way to get some people to learn Spanish words.
Ajo = Garlic
Arroz = Rice
Atún = Tuna
Azucar = Sugar
Batido de leche = Milk shake
Bistec = Steak
Cafetera = Coffee pot
Calabaza = Pumpkin
Carne = Meat (Think "carnivore = meat eaters" and it may help you to remember this.)
Carne de vaca = Beef
Carne rara = Rare meat
Champiñones = Mushrooms
Chocolate = Chocolate
Cocina = Kitchen
Cocinar = Cook
Comida = Food
Cucharada = Spoon
Cuchillo = Knife
Cuenta = The check or bill you have to pay for your food.
Donut = Donut / Doughnut. Homer Simpson will have no problem trying to ask for his favorite food in Spanish. ;-)
Estofado = Stew
Freír = Fry
Fresa = Strawberry
Frigorífico = Refrigerator
Frijoles refritos = Re-fried beans
Fruta = Fruit
Helado = Ice Cream
Horno = Oven
Huevo = Egg
Huevos revueltos = Scrambled egg
La leche = Milk
Mantequilla de cacahuete = Peanut butter
Manzana = Apple
Mariscos = Seafood
Microondas = Microwave
Mostaza = Mustard
Naranja = Orange (the fruit)
Nata = Cream
Nata agria = Sour cream
¿Nos trae la cuenta? = Can you bring us the bill / check?
Ostra = Oyster
Pan = Bread
Pan de molde = Sliced bread
Patatas = Potatoes
Perrito caliente = Hot dog
Pescado = Fish
Picante = Spicy
Piña = Pineapple (The fruit, not the old style of hand grenade.)
Pizza = Pizza (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles can ask for their favorite food, easily, too! LOL)
Pollo = Chicken
Postre = Dessert
Queso = Cheese
Soda pop = Refresco bebida no alcohólica
Rara = Rare
Rollito = Roll
Sabor = Taste
Sal = Salt
Salchicha = Sausage
Solomillo = Sirloin steak
Tazón = Mug
Tenedor = Fork
Tostado = Toasted
Spanish Tips and Things to Keep in Mind
The object (like another person's name) can come before a verb. For example; if you wanted to say "I love you" in Spanish, you would say "Te amo". "Amo" in this case means "I love". You don't say "Yo" (I) in front of it or in it, because it's already in there.
When asking a question in Spanish, there's no difference in the word order of the sentence if you were saying something happened or asking if it'll happen. You'll know they're asking a question by the tone of their voice.
To make a negative type of sentence, you put the word "no" in front of the verb. For example: No vivo en España = I don't live in Spain.
When you have an adjective (a word that's used to describe or modify a noun or pronoun) in a sentence, it goes after the noun. Example: Carro azul = blue truck.
All of the nouns (a noun is a person, place or thing) are either feminine or masculine. When you use an adjective, it must usually (but not all the time) be similar in gender to the noun. For the most part, a masculine adjective ends with an o, and a feminine ends with an a.
Some that don't match up are: El sistema = system. El programa = program. La mano = hand. La foto= photo. El mapa = map.
Supposedly, all the "romantic languages" (which means they come from Rome where the main language was Latin, so they're all from Latin) like French, Italian and Spanish have this male / female thing with nouns. English itself has a lot of Latin words in it like equator, pole, peninsula, latitude and longitude, as well as some Greek, but the roots of English are mostly Germanic.
Spanish only has one way to pronounce a vowel. So, once you get them down, you've got it. :-) You don't have to change them because they're near certain other letters in a word, like you do with English.
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