:+: Japanese to English Dictionary :+:
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English words to Japanese:
Ambulance = Kyukyusha
Chair = Isu
Cheap = Yasui
Cigarette = Tabako
Coffee = Kohhi
Coffee with milk = Kohhi gyunyu
Cold = Samui
Enlightenment = Satori
Fire = Kaji
Fruit = Kudamono
Girl / Woman = Onna
Good = Yoi
Help = Tasukete
Hot water = Oyu
Hotel = Hoteru
How? = Ikaga?
Key = Kagi
Large = Ohkii
Left (direction) = Hidari
Man = Otoko
Money = Okane
New = Atarashii
No = iie
Old = Furui
Paper = Kami
Pencil = Empitsu
Please = Nanitozo
Police / cops = Omawarisan
Right (direction) = Migi
Room = Heya
Small = Chiisai
Stamp = Kitte
Station = Eki
Store = Mise
Straight ahead (direction) = Massugu
Taxi = Takushi
Tea (black) = Koh-cha
Tea (green) = Ocha
Telephone = Denwa
Thanks (informal) = domo
Ticket = Kippu
Water = Mizu
When? = Itsu desu ka
Where? = Doko
Who? = Dochira?
Why? = Naze desu ka
Yes = Hai
:+: Japanese Phrases: :+:
Hello (only say on telephone) = Moshi moshi
Do you like it? = Suki desu ka?
I like it = Suki desu
I don't like it = Kirai desu
It's beautiful = Kirei desu
Do you speak English? = Anata wa eigo o hanashimasu ka?
Yes, I speak a little = Hai, sukoshi hanashimasu
Do you understand? = Wakarimasu ka?
No, I don't understand = Iie, wakarimasen
Please say it again = Mo ichido itte kudasai
Please speak slowly = Yukkuri hanashi te kudasai
Please wait a moment = Chotto matte kudasai
Yes, I understand = Hai, wakarimasu
Excuse me (pardon me) = Gomen nasai (or Shitsurei shimasu)
Excuse me (to get somebody's attention) = Sumi masen
Excuse me, I am lost. I do not speak Japanese. Please show me how to get __________. = Suminasen, michi ni mayoi mashita. Nihongo o hanasemasen. __________ e no ikikata o oshiete kudasai.
Good afternoon (day) = Konnichiwa
Good-bye = Sayonara
Good evening = Konbanwa
Good morning = Ohayo gozaimasu
Good night = Oyasuminasai
How are you? = O genki desu ka?
I am fine = Hai, genki desu
And yourself? = Anata wa?
How much? = Donnani?
How much is it? = Sore wa ikura desu ka?
I will take it = Sore kudasai
I am sorry = Gomen nasai (or sumi masen).
I'm very sorry = hontouni sumi masen
I'm sick = Byoki desu
It's a pleasure = dou itashi mashite
Let me see = So desu ne
Let's go = Ikimasho
Listen up! (to get someone's attention) = Anone
Oh, I see = As, soo desu ka
No, thank you = Iie kekko desu
Please (when you offer something, like an invitation to sit down or drink some tea) = Dozo
Please (when asking for something) = Kudasai
Please call me a taxi = Takushii o yonde kudasai
Please give me this = Kore o kudasai
Please show me = Misete kudasai
Please write it = Kaite kudasai
Pleased to meet you = Dozo yoroshiku (or Yoroshiku onegaishimasu)
Thank you very much = Domo arigato gozaimasu
Thank you for taking care of me during my stay = Osewa ni narimashita
Thank you for your kindness = domo go-shinsetsu ni
Thank you, it was delicious = gochiso sama deshita
Welcome (what you say when you invite somebody into your house) = Irrasshaimase
What is your name? = Anata-no namae wa?
My name is _______ = Watashi no namae wa ________ desu (say your name in the empty space)
What time is it? = Nan-ji desu ka?
Where is it? = Doko desu ka?
Where is the toilet? = Toire wa doko desu ka?
You're welcome = Do itashi mashite
:+: Phrases to use on a date: :+:
A beer please = Nama biru o hitotsu onegaishimasu
Cheers! = Kampai!
Drink up! = Ikki! Ikki!
I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat. = Onaka ga suita. Shokuji ni shimashoo.
Let's go to the park = Kooen ni ikoo
Let's see a movie = Eiga o miyoo
Thanks for the delicious meal (it was a feast) = Gochisoo sama deshita
Where do you want to sit? = Doko ni suwaritai?
Will you dance with me? = Issho ni odotte kureru?
:+: Numbers: :+:
1 = Ichi
2 = Ni
3 = San
4 = Yon
5 = Go
6 = Ro-ku
7 = Na-na
8 = Ha-chi
9 = Kyu
10 = Ju
100 = Hya-ku
1,000 = Sen
:+: Other pages on this site :+:
For a more complete list, please try the Site Map page.
:+: This Is It :+: Site Map :+: Main page :+: Internet Help :+: Cool Quotes :+: Sleep Tips and REMville :+: VidScans (honest movie reviews and honest TV show reviews) :+: E-mail Privacy / PGP :+: Repressed Technology :+: ID Chip Implants :+: 3D Chat: 3D Chat Programs Reviewed :+: Stories :+: School Violence: What Causes School Violence :+: Alice Cooper :+: Green Lasers :+: Trivia :+: Laugh Machine :+: WinMX Help :+: Bloomington-Normal Illinois Dining Guide :+: Bloomington-Normal Illinois Bars :+: |
Pictures pages:
CyberWoLfman's Pix #3. Pictures taken in the ActiveWorlds 3D chat program.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #4. Back to the real world. Includes Halloween pictures, party pictures, more pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois including events, people, theaters, et cetera.