:+: Dutch to English Dictionary :+:
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Dutch words, and their meanings in English:
alstublieft = please / there you are / as an expression when something or somebody is or is doing something really amazing
appeltaart = apple cake
bent = are
bos = trees
dankjewel = thanks
dans = dance
dansen = dancing
foutmelding = mistake report
ga = go
guis = house
ik = I
kirsch = cherry
mooi = nice
muis / muise = mouse
het sluimeren = lurking
ook = same
paart or paard = horse
schrijf = write
schrijven = writing
slapen = sleeping
toekomst = future
tolk = translator
tot ziens = goodbye
uniek = unique
voeten = feet
woud = wood
welkom = welcome
zeer = pain
Dutch to English Phrases:
De maan is volledig vanavond. Wil u uit en achtervolging smeris auto's en smerissen met mij gaan? = The moon is full tonight. Do you want to go out and chase cop cars and cops with me?
fijn je gezien te hebben = nice to see you
Hebt u ene look? Ik heb een datum met een vampier vanavond. = Do you have any garlic? I have a date with a vampire tonight.
hoe gaat het met u? = how does it go with you?
Houdt van welke soort van muziek u? = What kind of music do you like?
ïk ben = I am
Ik riep mijn dokter op zijn mobiele telefoon na de operatie. Iets vreemd gebeurde. De telefoon belde in mijn lichaam op. = I called my doctor on his cell phone after the operation. Something strange happened. The phone rang inside my body.
Ik spreek veel klein Nederlands = I speak very little Dutch
van waar zijn u? = where are you from?
welkom thuis = welcome home
Wordt mijn computer door garantie indien mijn hond urinates op het bedekt? = Is my computer covered by warranty if my dog urinates on it?
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Pictures pages:
CyberWoLfman's Pix #3. Pictures taken in the ActiveWorlds 3D chat program.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #4. Back to the real world. Includes Halloween pictures, party pictures, more pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois including events, people, theaters, et cetera.