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FYI. Some explanations are in order.
What is a blog? Explains the difference between a blog and a forum.
Blog Entries List:
Links to blog entries below are listed in descending order starting with the first entry for the year to the newest.
To read the blog entries in chronological order from the first to the newest as I entered them, you can start with the first blog entry listed below and read down from there.
February 27th, 2018: The government can take your property and you have to prove its innocence?!
May 18th, 2018: Yet another school shooting
August 21st, 2018: Lost 54 pounds so far. :-)
What is a blog?
To those who are asking "what is a blog?", a blog is a personal Web log (blog is a shortened way of saying weblog), a chronicle of events or a journal where somebody writes down things that happen in their lives, their thoughts, and opinions.
What's the difference between a blog and a forum? Some people confuse forums with blogs. A forum is for public discussion. You can look that up in the dictionary if you like. ;-) A blog, being a Web log, journal, or personal diary would be for an individual. Look at some personal blogs and compare them with forums, even those that for some odd reason are calling themselves blogs. You'll see the difference quickly enough.
February 27th, 2018:
Civil forfeiture: Your money and property taken and you're not charged with a crime?!
The government can take what they want from you in the way of cash and property (an act called "in rem" which is Latin for "against the property") and don't even have to charge you with a crime. Ack! This is the kind of behavior that Americans laugh at other countries for. "It can't happen here"? Well, I'm sorry to say, it can, and it does.
Do you want your money or property back? Well, then, you have to go to court. To prove your innocence? Nay, nay! To prove the innocence of your money or property. Your property is considered guilty until proven innocent by you. Somehow. Possibly in court, but maybe just to a prosecutor. Hey, I'm not making this up!
On the lighter side, see this video by John Oliver on HBO about civil forfeiture: Civil Forfeiture: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - YouTube. He makes some interesting points, such as if an automobile driven to a place which sells liquor at an event can be confiscated, then, so, too, could teenagers' vehicles used to drive to someone's house for a party where those who are under the legal drinking age can be confiscated. Although it does sound like one way (even if it's a kind of deterrent once word gets out about it) to limit teen drinking and driving deaths on prom night . . . At 13:20 or so, he states that one family, in an effort to get their house back, was told to go to a courtroom and talk to a prosecutor. No judge. No defense attorney. You can probably figure out how well that went for them . . .
At 14:12, there was a short segment of what a Law and Order Civil Forfeiture Unit show might be like.
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May 18th, 2018:
Yet another school shooting. :-(
This one was at Santa Fe High School near Houston, Texas. Was it yet another student who was harassed verbally, emotionally and physically until something broke inside of them and they felt they had no other recourse but to take out those who were responsible?
When will all of these "zero tolerance to bullying" programs actually go into affect and make a difference? Once upon a time, I thought that chronicling these events (since the 1990s, so, yes, an older Web page, but, no ads on my Web site: What Causes School Violence and What Can Be Done to Stop It) might help produce a change, but, little seems to have changed but having different PR tactics and the overly-used platitudes such as officials and politicians saying that their thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.
Real change needs to occur. How many more will die before this is learned? Should those who could have done something to stop these events not also share the blame for what happened? Also, why aren't the bullies ever prosecuted for being one of the major factors which caused these things to happen? Heck, they only seem to use the school shootings as launchpads for improved popularity and fame. Sounds ghoulish and you have to wonder if it might have been a motivation for them to do it . . .
Just my two bits.
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August 21st, 2018:
Lost 54 pounds so far by simply changing my diet. :-)
Stopped using added sugar or salt to anything. Tried Sweet'N Low (seriously, that's how they spell it!), but, it tasted kind of toxic to me, so, I tried Truvia for the few things I usually eat or drink that taste better with some kind of sweetener in them.
The weight loss has been gradual, as I have read that losing excess weight quickly is oft-times a bad thing, as it has a tendency to come back. At times, I eat non-healthy food, but, this isn't an every day thing, and I have read that it is better to do as a once-in-a-while kind of thing, with some claiming the best success is when you do it once a week.
Although I have heard that giving details of your diet to others might be boring to read for them, I felt it was something my regular readers might like to know, especially if I provided tips like those above which might help them. :-)
Disclaimer: I'm not a medical doctor or even play one as an actor. The advice I give worked for me, but, it might not work for you. To play it safe (which you should, since this is your health we're talking about here!) talk with a real life doctor in person and be certain to tell them all that you can, including what health supplements you might be taking.
Getting back to the tips . . . Another tip would be to try to figure out where and when you do the most of your not-so-healthy eating. For some, it's when you're watching a movie, binge-watching a television series or watching a sports game on television. For others, it could be when you return home from work or when you go out with other people.
So, if you have low willpower and most of your naughty eating is done at the movie theater, perhaps waiting for the movie to come out on DVD or to a streaming service or Website that you use may be a better idea As for eating while watching movies, television series or sports at home, it's been said that over-eating while doing so occurs because you are distracted from the usual full signals (or the 'maybe I've ate enough' if you're trying to lose weight) that your body sends you.
Some other solutions besides full avoidance of those situations could include eating before you do it (so you'll know you've ate enough and you should realize that anything else you eat is probably a bad idea) or preparing healthier food such as vegetable sticks to snack on or a vegetable dish to eat and share with others or a combination of the three. Some have reported having a full glass of water before you eat also helps to fill you up. Be advised that in certain countries where the majority of politicians are owned by corporations, there are no laws allowing you to bring any food in with you, even if it's a drink that you purchased inside a mall which the movie theater is in. They maximize their profits by making you throw away things you own and paid for in an attempt to get you to spend more money on their (usually crappy and unhealthy) food.
You know your situation, habits and level of willpower better than I do, but, by trying other things than what you have tried before, you might find something that works best for you. If you have access to the Internet, do searches for things that you enjoy doing, might interest you to start doing or things you've never heard of before which sound interesting or fun.
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